Old But New Restaurant In Town


For those who don’t know by now, my mom and aunt loves to eat and try any kind of food.  So when a local restaurant in town open its door again for business after closing for many years , they had to go try the food out again of course !  My Aunt Lynette called for the get – together and mom suggested Austrian Inn since we haven’t been there for the longest time.  The restaurant closed its door many years ago, when I was still very young and mom said it looks almost the same when they were there a few years ago.  Some  A1 Restaurant Furniture  might be a good addition to their dining room seating if you asked me.



Shiny Josh was there too and of course , Aunt Lynette had to photo bomb us hahaha!


Aunty Hyunjin with Jasmine (her god – daughter)


A group photo excluding mom and Shiny Josh as he didn’t feel so well at this time.


So the food arrived and this was the seafood crepe.  It was very good according to Aunty Kim.  But as you can see, the tables and chairs are pretty non- decorative and very standard looking.


Jasmine had fish and so did Shiny Josh.


I had half a portion of fish because I could never finish the whole portion.  But they were fancy and had green stuff on it coz’ mom forgot to tell them no green stuff.   Mom ordered a side portion of fries for me but the fries were a little too soggy for my liking.


Aunty Lynette and Chicken Gordon Bleu and she said it was pretty good.  Daddy  might like this too.


Mom had scallops with garlic linguine but she didn’t taste any garlic in it.  The linguine could have been a little bit more to fill her up as she was sharing with Aunty Hyunjin.


Hunter Schnitzer was like flatter fried pork and it was pretty good , Aunty Hyunjin gave half to mom.  The rice didn’t taste like anything in particular.


But the apple pie was really good, they had real chunky size of apple and the ice cream I had them of course.  Overall, it was a pretty decent meal, mom paid $31 for both of us and a $10 in tips. I do like the place but it could definitely use some new restaurant furniture.