We were at the park yesterday.. and when we arrived .. there were some mean gals at the park.. who told me to “get out” .. i went running to mama who was walking behind me. But the mean gals left shortly after .. and I met with Emily instead. Emily is from Digby .. and she was extremely nice.. and complimented on my dress and my name. Mama said she wished all kids were like Emily. But i had such a blast walking with mama to the park.. and then we played there for an hour.. and there were boys and gals there.
In the morning .. Gary came to play with me.. i had chalk all over me.. and then i had lunch.. and played some more with chalk.. and we walked to the park.. and in the evening.. mama and I played more in the backyard.. and now that mama can bathe me.. there is no need for papa to rush home.
Who are the mean gals, Chloe?
How dare they yelled at you. Just play with those nice kids and leave those mean gals alone. O.K