Why..?? because while my friends are having chips and chocolates and even gummies for a snack.. i chose to have a banana for a snack. While other kids have LCD TV in their bedroom, I have books for entertainment in my bedroom. While other kids jumped up and down in grocery stores, I helped pushed the shopping cart with great care. .and never bang into another cart.
While other kids drink pop .. i drink only water.. and never drink from the water cooler at school because my mama said not too.. since everyone was having a cold in school.
While other kids in my class gets timed out .. for being bad, I never had any. My card in school is never yellow but always green – and green means good girl according to my teachers.
I’m proud of u too Chloe Kai Lui !!! 😛
I’m proud of u too Chloe Kai Lui !!! 😛
well done, Chloe. you are a good girl *muaks*
well done, Chloe. you are a good girl *muaks*
Chloe is so well mannered and taught. You did a great job, MB.
Chloe is so well mannered and taught. You did a great job, MB.