Firstly, I gotta thank Aunty Barb for the slip on cardigan. I love it..!! as soon as i received it.. i had to wear it. There are more things.. that Auntie Barb sent.. but that will be up in mama’s blog. The cardigan look nice eh..?? Auntie Barb got good taste too. Today, I wanna be Hannah Montanna.. so mama let me wear my ipod shuffle.. and i dance to the music.
My babysitter had been sick a long time now, lucky for me.. there are lots of ppl to play with me.. and do things with me. Today – we even went to the park .. and i found another new friend to play with – Grammie came to visit..and brought me out for walks. Mama said.. that my babysitter is no longer contagious anymore.. so i won’t get sick from her.. but she may be tired.. so even though she had call to come back to work, mama and daddy said.. she better rest proper … so she wouldn’t get sick no more – for my babysitter does get pretty sick often. Luckily, I didn’t get the mono from her.. mama said.. else everyone would be devastated. But i’m doing good in school. .and at home.. and mama even stop doing so much work online so that she can spend more time with me. I love that mama goes home with me everyday now.
haaahaah…glad she likes the slip on.
I love the sweater. She has her own ipod shuffle. So cute! And that smile.. she will be a heartbreaker!
Nice nice !