Look what came in the mail for me today..?? it was a tutu all the way from Mountain View, California – Auntie Vien made these herself.. and sent them to me. It is so pretty and I had to wear it .. and dance with it .. as soon as I got home. No worries that the floor was still cold. No worries that mama had to cook, i made mama stop cooking .. to watch me.. dance with my new tutu.
Thank you .. Auntie Vien.. ! i asked mama if i can wear it to ballet class on Monday.. and she said yes. I told mama if anyone asked me about the tutu.. i would tell them.. my Auntie Kai mah bought it for me.. but mama said .. “no chloe.. it’s Auntie Vivien who made it for you – Belle’s mama! and not Auntie Kai Mah” and then mama slapped her forehead.. muahhahaha!!! So now i know.. thank you once again.. Auntie Vien..! you are too nice to me. Wait .. i go get a present for Belle and Cassie, and send them my drawings eh.
I’m glad you like it, Chloe! 🙂 Sorry it took me so long to get it mailed. I see that the tutu is a little crumpled. Do have your Mommy to straighten out those tulles.
Very pretty tutu! Very sweet colour combi 😛