Mama had to read some acne product reviews and wanted to stay home but since Grammie called to say that there were enough snow to go sliding/sledding – we headed up to Port Maitland. But we had to detour to get gas for the car and some skewer chicken for mama from M & M and then we had to head home to get daddy’s inhaler.
We played behind Grampie’s back yard – yes all of this land belongs to Grampie. And off i went sliding – not a bit scared at all – but mama was.. hahahha!
There was daddy taking a go at it – he was a lot braver, he went down on his tummy – he went down on his knees.. and then he tried on his bum. The snow wasn’t as smooth today – it was hard on our bums and knees.
That’s me walking up the hill with Grammie and going for another slide down the hill. Daddy was right behind us.
There me .. going down the hill again – mama said i was like a pro.
Me walking up the hill alone because daddy and grammie were very tired already.
Awwwwwww…u know how much i love snow, sweetie! How i wish i could join u there 😛