While i was in summer camp – mama bought this new toy laptop for me from the yard sale. It’s not like i don’t have a computer at home – but i want one just like mama’s to bring along with me and work in the store. I had asked for it for 2 yrs now – but Santa didn’t give it to me last Christmas – so finally mama bought it for me when she saw it on a yard sale for $12 while looking for exzema treatment for her god – daughter.
Mama said i’m very lucky because she remembers what i want – but she never buys anything unless she can find them cheap enough – because like everything else – i would play with it and get excited about it for a day or two and then forget about the toy. So i never get expensive toys unless they are on sale or on a yard sale. Mama said she is not being el cheapo – but being smart with money.
nice 1 there!! big n classy 😉 worth the money!!!
agree with mamabok 🙂