Our Ford Focus is getting old – daddy said – because we have been having quite a few trouble with it – so daddy is looking into buying a new car – but then he doesn’t want to paying for a new car for the next 5 years since we’ve just finished paying our car 2 years ago. So mama suggested that we make some improvement to the car everytime we have some money – and this month – daddy wants to get a different winter tires for our Ford Focus because the garage man had recommended it. So the other day, we went to take a look at it can check it out. The rims are very nice – and I know that my Kai Mah’s Lina son – Gerald will loved it too – because he is a car lover – and he loved to modify his car and pretty it up more than daddy. So I told mama about the rims – and asked mama to show Gerald the rims – the next time Kai Mah is online with her. So did we buy the bentichi custom wheels? Daddy is pricing them up and will be saving up for them – that’s for sure.
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Oh yes, i’m waiting to see those rims too & u’re so right, Gerald Gor Gor is still ‘mad’ abt cars & is looking forward to his new DS3 in mid Nov/Dec 😉