Use Coupons .. Papa!!

Papa just bought a set of speakers from Phil..  but mama wasn’t too happy.. because she wants to save our money for emergencies.. and for my future.  So she don’t like Papa to buy alot of toys too much.  But you see if Papa knew how to use Circuit City coupons and save from these … [Read more…]

I Love My Mama’s Bed

I love my mama’s bed .. because bedding sets are so plush and comfy.  Every morning when i wake up, I will go snuggle with my mama and kiss my mama.  But she is always so tired.. because she doesn’t get to bed till late.  So my Papa doesn’t let me stay in mama’s comfy … [Read more…]

My Puter

My puter was running really slow and sometimes I can’t watch movies on my computer or play some games.  So my Papa put in more ram, that way i can watch all the movies i want and play all the new games too.  Papa said rams are not very expensive, not like before.  In fact … [Read more…]

Butter Crock

  My grampie loves eating butter so does my Uncle Richard and what better to get them for this coming Father’s day than a Butter Bell butter crock , I am sure they would love it because it keeps the butter soft and spreadable without needing to keep the butter in the fridge for a … [Read more…]

Spring Fever

My mummy is getting me some air purifiers because of the pollen that is all around during spring season. This year, she thinks it is everywhere in the air because we are coughing alot more.. and also getting lots of rashes.  My mummy said that if you have an old house or apartment.. an air … [Read more…]

Curtains For Our Home

My mummy said we haven’t had proper curtains for the last 3 yrs because she couldn’t find any that were at the right length, size and affordable.  Most of the curtains sold in our town were pretty expensive and the last ones we had, we had to send them to a tailor to get them … [Read more…]

My Daddy & His Toys

My mama said that my daddy and his toys is never ending just like mine.  While mine is alot cheaper, my daddy’s toys are way more expensive.  When we go to an electronics store, my daddy would go ga-ga over alot of things.  But he can’t buy everything.. just like I, they have to think … [Read more…]