My First Report Card

Mama received my first report card last week.. and overall, the teachers think that I am doing alright, just that i need more work done.  But Mama thinks I’m doing pretty well. .considering this is my first year in any kind of school.  So Mama said not to fret.. because I know stuff that my teacher never even taught me yet.. like the volcanoes don’t give out water but something hot and bad.

But my teacher said in my report card that i am a pleasure to have in class and that i follow all classroom rules and contributes positively to the overall classroom environment.  She also said that i was often dependent on my classmates for direction in completing a task.  I also have some difficulty in dealing with certain concepts and that I had improved a lot since the beginning of the year.  My teacher also said i work well in class on my own and in group settings.  I am able to remain focused on the task given.  The teachers will thus continue to work closely with me. Papa had replied and commented on my report card, that given the old rules, i wouldn’t have started school, so the teachers had to take that into consideration.  I am not 5 yrs old yet, only at the end of the week, i turn 5 officially. See i’m pretty cool… and helped my mama with the Christmas tree for 2 years now.