This is not a good week for me.. ! i got sick.. a fever and hacking cough.. and drippy nose. And then my caps came off last nite.. and freaked me right out. There were cavaties under my caps.. and when mama called my dentist.. to let them know. they were rather snotty about it. Mama said.. when in Singapore.. you never get this kinda treatment.
I missed my teachers and my new friends.. and cannot wait to go back to school., I had been home for 5 days now.. and i want to go back to school on Wednesday. I started eating a bit more today.. so mama said.. maybe …. i will be well enough to go to school. Oh btw.. mama wants to put me to dancing school in March .. i can’t wait to wear my tu-tu dress.. like Skyle.. 🙂 Oh.. and keegan is sick again.. mama said .. she donch know if i passed my cold to Keegan or Keegan passed the cold to me.. but i think it is me.. who passed the cold to Keegan.