New Car For The Family

We have been looking at new cars to buy for the family.  We want a bigger car, so that we can shop for more stuff when we are in the city or on vacation and so that Auntie Hyunjin and I will be comfy in the back seat of the car. Our present car is … [Read more…]


So I insisted on buying this for y tamagochi but apparently this is different, luckily it’s from the dollar store and only cost me $1.  Mama  already told me that it’s different but I didn’t believe her, so I’m slowly learning from my mistake I guess.

Cheap Printing

As you all know I have a business at my daddy’s store.  It’s called Art for Everything, I not only sell paintings that I draw and paint, I also make rainbow loomz of bracelets and charms.  I’ve been asking for business cards like my daddy’s but have yet gotten them from mummy, even though she … [Read more…]

My New Electronic Barbie

I picked up my new toy with my Christmas gift cards from Walmart today because the electronic barbie was on sale at 50% off.  When I first saw it during Christmas, I felt that it was way too expensive to pay so much just for a barbie even though it was pretty cool, so I … [Read more…]